Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece

Sleep Apnoea Treatment in Sydney

Untreated sleep apnoea can cause a wide range of effects on the human body, including cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, depression and headaches. With sleep apnoea, the individual stops breathing, sometimes hundreds of times per night, which robs the brain, heart and body of oxygen. If you are suffering from Obstructed Sleep Apnoea a sleep study should be conducted intially, our Dentist’s can arrange this for you and if the results show an oral appliance will improve the apnoea then either the B.E.D or a Somnomend device is your answer to a good nights sleep, a better feeling you and even a happier partner too.

How it Works

The oral appliance is designed to advance the lower jaw which keeps the airways open ensuring your body recieves the oxygen it needs and to sleep peacfully. The first step to achieve this; Our Dentist’s will take specially designed impressions of your upper and lower teeth for the appliance to be made and this is done either in house or sent to the Somnomed company for construction. You will then return to have your custom made device fitted and take the time for you to become comfortable with your new device and answer and questions you have.

If you are ready to make a change to your over all quality of life contact us now to arrange your appointment.

Do you have a question?

Get in touch with us and our friendly team members will answer any questions you have.